Our digital innovation is key to our business growth success. Technology today is fast paced and we embrace the digital world to drive business growth with exciting new developments making your business easier whilst increasing your market share.
We have teamed up with buddybid, a Facebook social media partner, to maximise your online social media presence and marketing strategies. This is a custom-built automated advertising platform using Facebook to amplify your business, your agents and their listings.
The added benefit of Buddybid is that it allows us to analyse and interpret real estate audiences to ensure we are reaching the target demographic at the right time with the right message.
Our professional and secure office websites can be customised to include local content, while still staying true to the layout and design of a tried and true, strategic corporate site.
Add your own unique content such as images, banners, testimonials, suburb profiles, reports and engage in social media. The websites are also designed to support blog articles, eNewsletters and even eBooks. With the help of the support team, you can learn strategies to gain new viewers to your site using SEO (search engine optomisation).
Supported by the tech team, every Harveys office is provided with regular training, live streaming and webinars on the latest and fresh digital marketing strategies and initiatives. One-on-One consultations are also available if your office needs further specialised advice.
Book your confidential discussion with one of our Recruitment Specialists